Thursday, June 20, 2019


The Financial Market
The financial market has experienced several ups and downs, ranging from stock market expansion to online industry metamorphosis, major economic meltdown and what-have-you not. In some years back, the world was shocked with the breakdown of the world’s economy. Enthusiasts were quick to blame the breakdown on major banking institutions while market participants were just left to face their fates and strive again. This first major breakdown of the world’s currency was attributed not to carelessness of the major banking institutions but on the failure of the system to embrace the digital age in keeping financial records and lack of transparency of record cataloguing.
The Blockchain
Blockchain technology with its transparency is the only way forward for fair and fair trade in the world of finance. Blockchain allows you to decentralize the exchange of digital data between participants using the following registration functions that record all transactions. The process is fully transparent throughout the transaction and is fully traceable, irreversible and unchanged. The network guarantees the authenticity and authenticity of each transaction, and fraudulent activity is quickly leveled.
The blockchain technology also revolutionized the entire financial and online market; giving a fair, automated and transparent financial experience without the hurdles of the hitherto centralized institutions. By the way, a blockchain can serve as "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties resourcefully and in a verifiable and permanent way.
The crypto market is becoming large as new tokens are added to the market every day. In early 2018, the market pushed towards over 750 billion US dollars market capitalization.
Compared to the market growing, there is no significant improvement in the crypto wallet and exchange process. Why do you invest in cryptocurrencies? You may use them as utility tokens for operations on different platforms. In most cases, you will hold them & sell at a higher price to make a profit. You may prefer to trade cryptocurrencies. Sometimes you may spend crypto at online stores. How can you manage all these tasks? To manage them, all users of cryptocurrencies need:
A super fast exchange to access all popular crypto markets
A secure wallet to store your crypto assets
POINTPAY is creating a fundamentally new product that combines three services in a single closed-loop ecosystem: PointPay Crypto Bank, PointPay Crypto Exchange platform and PointPay Multi-currency Wallet.
In addition, PointPay has business contacts with more than 50 banks and 25 payment systems, as well as 20 lawyers who deal with issues of licensing cryptobusiness. PointPay have 4 years of experience in supporting the functioning of payment systems, including signing contracts, working with banks, working with other payment systems, paying out funds, and building complex payment schemes. PointPay are currently conducting a crowdfunding campaign through the sale of 500,000,000 PXP tokens in order to raise funds for the development of fully functional versions of the products.
About The PointPay Ecosystem and Its Unique Features
Token Details
PointPay Token will be released based on the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure security of the transactions, compatibility with the third-party services and will provide seamless and easy integration.
Soft cap: $1,000,000
Hard cap: $30,000,000
Symbol: PXP (PointPay token)
Total supply: 500,000,000
Unsold tokens: to be destroyed
Retail price: 1 PXP = $0.10
Funds Allocation and Token Distribution

For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;

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