Thursday, June 20, 2019


PointPay includes a multi-currency crypto wallet, PointPay crypto-exchange platform and PointPay crypto-bank full range!
#Blockchain #Cryptobank #Dompet Crypto #Cryptoexchnage # Selling Tokens

Blockchain Life 2018 is one of the largest international forums dedicated to blockchain, crypto and mining. It was the first big event followed by the PointPay team. This is partly due to the fact that the rating agency ICOTOP is one of the sponsors of the forum. We are proud to be our strategic partner, we are actively working with them.

We are pleased to be among over 5,000 guests representing 70 countries. The presentation of the main organizers of the forum Vita Edlichka and Sergey Khitrov most attracted the attention of our employees. The first tells the story of the first blockchain in world history, which is considered only a joke. However, the dream has all the possibilities to come true, since more than half a million applications for citizenship were proposed.

Also worth mentioning is the presentation of the innovative ICO Pitch project. The most promising project is the multifunctional cryptocurrency exchange system CoinStruction, the HYGH advertising provider platform and Blueshare tokens. New developments in this area have attracted particular attention from PointPay. We set ambitious goals - to enter the market with the latest products.

PointPay Crypto Bank A new direction in the cryptocurrency market: manage, save and increase your capital with PointPay. We create a unique one-stop solution for the global market.


Fast translations worldwide

There is no currency limit

Virtual currency cards, debit and credit, fiat and crypto

Cryptocurrency loans

Crypto acquires

Online Mobile Banking

Crypto Forex

Crypto deposit and loan GO TO BANK POINTPAY

Crypto Exchange PointPay Platform
Buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrency with confidence. User-friendly interface and tutorial that will help simplify trading, whether you are a beginner or a professional.

Fiat Payments and Payments

Trade in patented assets (stocks, indices, commodities)

Daily Crypto Returns to PXP Owners

Four-level referral system and referral exchange

Trading Leverage (1:10)

24 hour support


PointPay Multicurrency Wallet

Now you can send and receive cryptocurrency and paper currencies to other PointPay members. Enjoy secure and fast transactions at the lowest price!

Crypto and Fiat Multicurrency Accounts

Security and anonymity

Virtual Crypto Portfolio

Instant exchange

Cryptocurrency payment

Instant deposit / withdrawal in EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF

SPV architecture

Billing code

Easy to use


Economic token

PointPay tokens will be released on the basis of the Ethereum platform and fully comply with the ERC20 standard. This will ensure transaction security, compatibility with third-party services, and provide seamless and easy integration.

Soft hat: 1,000,000 dollars

Helmet: $ 30 million

Symbol: PXP (PointPay Token)

Total amount of deliveries: 500 000 000

Unsold tokens: to be destroyed

Retail price: 1 PXP = $ 0.10



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