Monday, April 25, 2022

Aufin Protocol stands for Automatic Financial


The automated monetary framework implies the replacement of manual cycles with mechanical cycles, which results in a smoother process. Instead of being called back manually, a process that tends to go wrong, mechanization of monetary cycles speeds up the system and recovers your time. DeFi draws motivation from blockchain, the innovation behind state-of-the-art bitcoin cash, which allows multiple elements to store duplicates of exchange-tagged backgrounds, meaning they are not limited by a single focused source. That's important because a unified framework and human guard can limit the speed and complexity of the exchange while offering clients faster orders on their money. DeFi is unmistakable because it elevates the use of blockchain from basic value exchanges to more complex monetary use cases.

What is Aufin Protocol?

Aufin Protocol stands for Automatic Financial, a convention that provides decentralized financial resources that reward clients with fixed and backed accumulated interest of up to 480,419.00% for the first year. Aufin Protocol redefines DeFi with Aufin Autostaking Protocol delivering business-critical stay APY, clockwork reward rebasing, and a basic buy-in hold-procure framework that expands your portfolio in your wallet.


Aufin Protocol is a platform that provides auto-staking services that will transform the Defi sector and make it better. Aufin Protocol provides features that will allow users to stake their tokens more easily and get maximum results. Aufin Protocol can be said as an innovative staking platform because it will transform the Defi sector with the best protocol which will offer the industry’s highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that will grow the assets of the users directly. on their wallets. So it is hoped that with the Aufin Protocol users will be able to get access to a staking platform with a high APY.

The Problem

Innovation in the Defi sector is needed to be able to offer users a service that is fresher and also makes it easier for them. This innovation will help users to be able to get a Defi service that is more profitable for them and also more accessible. However, it seems that most of the Defi platforms today offer nearly identical services and lack innovation. So that users do not find any significant differences and advantages from the Defi platform they use. Therefore innovation is needed in the Defi sector so that users will be able to experience a Defi service that is profitable and also provides them with convenience.

The Solution

And in response to this, Aufin Protocol was launched to become an auto-staking and auto-compounding platform that will transform the Defi sector and make it better and more profitable for users. Aufin Protocol offers users a profitable auto-staking protocol and also gives users maximum rewards for their participation. The services offered by Aufin Protocol allow users to get an auto-staking platform that is truly secure and profitable.

Users don’t need to stake their tokens, just hold the AUN token in their wallet and they can get automatically rewarded for their participation. APY of 480,419.00% will be offered free of charge to users and this is much higher than the return offered on popular staking platforms, especially on traditional banking platforms. Users will be able to see the rewards accrue in their wallets automatically and this is what makes Aufin Protocol an easy and profitable auto-staking platform for users.

For example, by purchasing AUN tokens worth USD 1,000, users will be able to get a chance to return up to USD 4,804,190.00 of $AUN at 480,419.00% in one year. That’s a fantastic amount and it’s made possible because Aufin Protocol uses a smart token comic system that will help reward users over time. Aufin Protocol consists of automatic LP, Risk-Free Value, Treasury, and also Fireplace. With these various features, users can get a staking platform that is empowering and sustainable in the future. Aufin Protocol will be a staking platform that has a stable and strong economic system so that users will be able to use Aufin Protocol for a longer period in the future.

Benefit Token Holder

Aufin zeroed in on DeFi development that makes advantages and an incentive for Aufin token holders. Here are a few advantages for holders of $AUN:

  • Okay with the Aufin Insurance: 5% of all exchanging charges are put away in The Aufin Insurance which supports and back the marking awards by keeping up with cost solidness and significantly decreasing drawback risk.
  • Simple and Safe Staking: The Aufin token generally remains in your wallet so it needn’t bother with to be placed under the control of an outsider or concentrated power. You should simply purchase and hold as you consequently get prizes in your own wallet so there’s not any more muddled marking processes by any means.
  • Interest Yield with Automatic Payments: You really want not be stress over having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid naturally and accumulated in your own wallet, promising you won’t ever miss an installment.
  • Most noteworthy Fixed APY: Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the initial a year which rivals anything in the DeFi field to date. After the initial a year the loan cost drops over an Epoch.
  • Quick Interest Payments: The Aufin Protocol pays each Aufin Token holder every single 10 minutes or multiple times every day, making it the quickest auto-building convention in crypto.
  • Auto Token Burn: One of the astonishing elements of the Aufin Protocol is a programmed symbolic consume framework named
  • “The Aufin Fireplace” which forestalls flowing inventory going crazy and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace consumes 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market deals and is singed in a similar individual exchange.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Every 48 hours, the Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a 4% tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol's smart contract is the mechanism which smartly takes the 50% of the amount of $AUN stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy $BNB at the current market price.

The remaining 50% of $AUN in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $AUN side of liquidity, therefore giving equal an 50/50 weighting of AUN/BNB which will then be automatically added as new, additional liquidity into the market pair and raising the amount of liquidity in the pool.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to easily sell their tokens at anytime with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in maintaining protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of The Aufin Protocol. Auto-Liquidity address: 0x85CD20D9Fb8f9d11Dc43C17cD399794eCE7b184E

Fixed APY

APY stands for Percentage of Annual Yield. It measures the real rate of return on your principal amount taking into account the effects of compound interest. In Aufin's case, your $AUN token represents your principal, and compound interest is added periodically on each Rebase event (Every 10 minutes), otherwise known as an 'Epoch'.

Your new principal amount is your current amount of Aufin tokens, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount will be calculated for your next rebase reward.

Power of Compound Interest - It is important to note that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time. Taking compound interest 0.01613% / 10 minutes:

Example: If you start with a balance of only 1,000 $AUN on the first day, after one year, your balance will increase to 4,804,190 $AUN.

$AUN Token

  • $AUN is a Bep20 token which rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 10 minutes over the lifespan of 12 years 8 months 26 days 3 hours 30 minutes until the maximum supply of 10 Billion tokens has been reached.
  • NO TEAM TOKENS: The Aufin Team will NOT hold any tokens. The only tokens owned by the Treasury will be collected via accumulating trading fees. We are committed to the longevity of the project and thus the $AUN team cannot dump on you.
  • NO EXTRA MINT OR HIDDEN TOKENS: The $AUN smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 1,000,000 tokens only.
  • NO RUG PULL: Liquidity will be locked for 12 years via trusted network which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will ALWAYS have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications - your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never 'locked').
  • NO BOTS: All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Aufin smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots.

Aufin smart contract: 0x72c6239cC8dbE1b02E539cdD95ee86ED771b8A0B

Trading Fee

The amount of the fees (14% for buys and 16% for sells) allows Aufin to provide $AUN holders with the stable high yield of 480,419.00% annually.

Buy Trading Fees:

5.0%: The Aufin Insurance

2.5%: The Aufin Treasury

2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace

4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Sell Trading Fees:

5.0%: The Aufin Insurance

4.5%: The Aufin Treasury

2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace

4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Road Map

Phase 1:

Website Development

Whitepaper Documentation

Deploy Smart Contract

Pre-launch Marketing

Phase 2:

PR Marketing

Airdrop Campaign

Bounty Campaign

Fair Launch on PinkSale

PinkLock Liquidity Locked 12.5 years

CoinMarketCap Listing

CoinGecko Listing

5,000 Token Holders

10,000 Token Holders

15,000 Token Holders

20,000 Token Holders

25,000 Token Holders

50,000 Token Holders

100,000 Token Holders

250,000 Token Holders

500,000 Token Holders

10 Million Market Cap

25 Million Market Cap

50 Million Market Cap

100 Million Market Cap

200 Million Market Cap

300 Million Market Cap

400 Million Market Cap

500 Million Market Cap

1 Billion Market Cap

Cross-Chain Integration


Phase 3:

Building Aufin Blockchain - A Complete DeFi Multi-Chain Solution

Become a Leading Top 10 MarketCap Cryptocurrency

100 Billion Market Cap

For more information

Website :

Whitepaper :

Telegram :

Twitter :

Medium :

Reddit :

Discord :

Nama Pengguna Bitcointalk : kentutbae

Tautan profil BitcoinTalk:;u=1771007

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @kentutbae

wallet ; 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Aufin Protocol DeFi 3.0 Auto-Staking with All-time Highest Fixed APY $AUFIN

Aufin Protocol — DeFi 3.0 Auto-Staking with All-time Highest Fixed APY $AUFIN

#autostaking #BinanceSmartChain #DeFiProject #investing $AUFIN


🔍 Open App:


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Aufin Protocol Overview

Aufin Protocol is shortened form of Automatic Financial, a protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest up to 480,419.00% for the first 12 months.

Aufin focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for Aufin token holders. Here are some benefits for holders of $AUN:

  • Low Risk with the Aufin Insurance - 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
  • Easy and Safe Staking - The Aufin token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there’s no more complicated staking processes at all.
  • Interest Yield with Automatic Payments - You need not be worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.
  • Highest Fixed APY - Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the first 12 months which rivals anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months the interest rate drops over an Epoch.
  • Rapid Interest Payments - The Aufin Protocol pays every Aufin Token holder each and every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
  • Auto Token Burn - One of the exciting features of the Aufin Protocol is an automatic token burn system named “The Aufin Fireplace” which prevents circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace burns 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.

The Aufin Insurance

The Aufin Insurance uses an algorithm that backs the Rebase Rewards and is supported by a portion of the buy and sell trading fees that accrue in the Insurance wallet.

In simple terms, the staking rewards (rebase rewards) which are distributed every 10 minutes at a rate of 0.01613% are backed by the Insurance parameter, thus ensuring a high and stable interest rate to $AUN token holders.

5% of all trading fees are stored in the The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.

The Aufin Insurance keeps holders safe by:

  • Avoiding flash crash through price stability
  • Achieving long term sustainability and future growth of the Aufin Protocol
  • Greatly reducing downside risk

Insurance Address: 0x9Cb8d953d13A8D9CC867BfE057e077C6C8e09F64

The Aufin Treasury

The Aufin Treasury plays a very important role in Aufin Protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of Aufin.

The treasury can become important in the event of an extreme price drop of the $AUN token or unforeseen black-swan event. It helps to establish a floor value for the $AUN token.

The treasury provides funding for marketing, growth hacking the Aufin community.

The treasury will be used to fund new Aufin products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the community.

Treasury address: 0xec9aBe02586fE5CabF8700997e607d4B80516064

The Aufin Fireplace

2.5% of all $AUN traded are burnt in The Aufin Fireplace. The more $AUN is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fireplace to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the Aufin Protocol stable.

The other benefit to an everlasting burn of circulating supply is that due to the deflationary nature of it, equates to a higher value of each $SAUN token, therefore increasing the individual value.

Fireplace address: 0xf26f15B215570C5450f97b748Bbd71C9cc212a51

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Every 48 hours, the Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a 4% tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol's smart contract is the mechanism which smartly takes the 50% of the amount of $AUN stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy $BNB at the current market price.

The remaining 50% of $AUN in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $AUN side of liquidity, therefore giving equal an 50/50 weighting of AUN/BNB which will then be automatically added as new, additional liquidity into the market pair and raising the amount of liquidity in the pool.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to easily sell their tokens at anytime with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in maintaining protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of The Aufin Protocol.

Auto-Liquidity address: 0x85CD20D9Fb8f9d11Dc43C17cD399794eCE7b184E

Fixed APY

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of Aufin, your $AUN tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event (Every 10 minutes), otherwise known as an 'Epoch'.

Your new principal amount is your then current Aufin token amount, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount is what gets calculated for your next rebase rewards.

The Power of Compound Interest - It is important to note that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time. Taking a compound interest of 0.01613% / 10 minutes:

Example: If you started with a balance of only 1,000 $AUN on day 1, after a year, your balance will have grown to 4,804,190 $AUN.

$AUN Token

$AUN is a Bep20 token which rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 10 minutes over the lifespan of 12 years 8 months 26 days 3 hours 30 minutes until the maximum supply of 10 Billion tokens has been reached.

NO TEAM TOKENS - The Aufin Team will NOT hold any tokens. The only tokens owned by the Treasury will be collected via accumulating trading fees. We are committed to the longevity of the project and thus the $AUN team cannot dump on you.

NO EXTRA MINT OR HIDDEN TOKENS - The $AUN smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 1,000,000 tokens only.

NO RUG PULL - Liquidity will be locked for 12 years via trusted network which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will ALWAYS have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications - your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never 'locked').

NO BOTS - All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Aufin smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots.

Aufin smart contract: 0x72c6239cC8dbE1b02E539cdD95ee86ED771b8A0B

Trading Fee

The amount of the fees (14% for buys and 16% for sells) allows Aufin to provide $AUN holders with the stable high yield of 480,419.00% annually.

Buy Trading Fees:

  • 5.0%: The Aufin Insurance
  • 2.5%: The Aufin Treasury
  • 2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace
  • 4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Sell Trading Fees:

  • 5.0%: The Aufin Insurance
  • 4.5%: The Aufin Treasury
  • 2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace
  • 4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Road Map

Phase 1:

  • Website Development
  • Whitepaper Documentation
  • Deploy Smart Contract
  • Pre-launch Marketing

Phase 2:

  • PR Marketing
  • Airdrop Campaign
  • Bounty Campaign
  • Fair Launch on PinkSale
  • PinkLock Liquidity Locked 12.5 years
  • CoinMarketCap Listing
  • CoinGecko Listing
  • 5,000 Token Holders
  • 10,000 Token Holders
  • 15,000 Token Holders
  • 20,000 Token Holders
  • 25,000 Token Holders
  • 50,000 Token Holders
  • 100,000 Token Holders
  • 250,000 Token Holders
  • 500,000 Token Holders
  • 10 Million Market Cap
  • 25 Million Market Cap
  • 50 Million Market Cap
  • 100 Million Market Cap
  • 200 Million Market Cap
  • 300 Million Market Cap
  • 400 Million Market Cap
  • 500 Million Market Cap
  • 1 Billion Market Cap
  • Cross-Chain Integration
  • Partnerships

Phase 3:

  • Building Aufin Blockchain - A Complete DeFi Multi-Chain Solution
  • Become a Leading Top 10 MarketCap Cryptocurrency
  • 100 Billion Market Cap

For more information


Forum Username: kentutbae

Forum Profile Link:;u=1771007

Telegram Username: @kentutbae

BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

AUFIN The Best Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol in Crypto


Aufin Protocol is shortened form of Automatic Financial, a protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest up to 480,419.00% for the first 12 months.

Aufin focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for Aufin token holders. Here are some benefits for holders of $AUN:

  • Low Risk with the Aufin Insurance - 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
  • Easy and Safe Staking - The Aufin token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there’s no more complicated staking processes at all.

  • Interest Yield with Automatic Payments - You need not be worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.

  • Highest Fixed APY - Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the first 12 months which rivals anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months the interest rate drops over an Epoch.

  • Rapid Interest Payments - The Aufin Protocol pays every Aufin Token holder each and every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.

  • Auto Token Burn - One of the exciting features of the Aufin Protocol is an automatic token burn system named “The Aufin Fireplace” which prevents circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace burns 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.

Trading Fee

The amount of the fees (14% for buys and 16% for sells) allows Aufin to provide $AUN holders with the stable high yield of 480,419.00% annually.

Buy Trading Fees:

  • 5.0% - The Aufin Insurance
  • 2.5% - The Aufin Treasury
  • 2.5% - The Aufin Fireplace
  • 4.0% - The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Sell Trading Fees:

  • 5.0% - The Aufin Insurance
  • 4.5% - The Aufin Treasury
  • 2.5% - The Aufin Fireplace
  • 4.0% - The Aufin Auto-Liquidity


$AUN is a BEP-20 token with an elastic supply that rewards holders using a positive rebase formula.

Automatic LP

  • 4% of the trading fees return to the liquidity ensuring increasing collateral value.

Risk Free Value

  • 5% of the trading fees are redirected to the Aufin insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.


  • 2.5% of the purchases and 4.5% of the sales go directly to the treasury which supports the Aufin insurance.


  • 2.5% of all $AUN traded are burnt in The Aufin Fireplace



Smart contract:



All Aufin holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest which is paid every 10 minutes.

With $1,000 USD of $AUN invested at the end of the year You can earn up to $4,804,190.00 USD of $AUN at 480,419.00%

Earnings are calculated in a scenario where the Aufin insurance sustains the rebase reward for 365 days

Join our social media: 

Bsc wallet addres: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457



Aufin protocol is an abridged form of Automatic financial. This protocol affords her users a decentralized financial capital that rewards them with a fixed satisfactory percentage of 418,418.00 during the first year. Aufin prioritized creating decentralized finance that provides holders with assets and values.


1.REDUCED RISK WITH AUFIN INSURANCE: 5% of every trading fee is kept in the Aufin insurance—this insurance help to preserve and support staking bonuses and curtail downside risks.

2.SAFE AND EASY STAKING: There would be no need for your Aufin tokens to be placed in the hands of a centralized authority or middleman as it always remains in your wallet. All you expect to do is buy and keep, as you instantly receive bonuses in your wallet. Staking procedures are no more elaborate at all.

3.PROFIT YIELD AND IMMEDIATE PAYMENTS: worry no more about re-staking your tokens as payments of interest yields are being made automatically and accumulated in your wallet, promising you would never have to miss any payment.

4.HIGHEST FIXED APY: Aufin spends 480,419.00 in the first year, which up till now competes with anything in the DEFI arena. After the first year, there's a decline in percentage profit.

5.FAST INTEREST PAYMENTS: At every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, payments are being made by Aufin protocol to all Aufin token holders; this makes it the quickest auto-compounding protocol in Crypto.

6.AUTO TOKEN BURN: The automatic token burn system known as the Aufin fireplace appears to be one of the awesome features of the Aufin protocol. This fireplace prevents the token supply in circulation from becoming cumbersome and getting out of control. It utilizes 2.5% of all the Aufin token market sales and is also used in individual businesses.



The Aufin insurance operates an algorithm that supports the rebase rewards and is assisted by a part of the transaction trading fees accumulating in the insurance wallet. Simply put, rebase rewards or staking rewards are allocated at the rate of 0.01613% every 10 minutes and backed by the specifications of the insurance to maintain and support the staking rewards made available by the positive rebase. Thus, guaranteeing a huge and stable interest rate to $AUN token holders. The Aufin insurance ensures the safety of its holders by; Avoiding market crashes through price stability, achieving long-term profitability and subsequent growth of the Aufin protocol, and curtailing downside risk to a great extent.

This treasury plays a very crucial role in the Aufin protocol. It administers three highly important functions geared towards the growth and development of Aufin. In a case of an acute fall in the price of the $AUN token, or an unexpected black-swan event, the treasury stands to be very important. The treasury further helps create a floor value for the $AUN token. And also makes funds available for the growth marketing of the Aufin community.Finally, the treasury would provide resources for the new Aufin projects, products, and services, eventually expanding and creating more value for the community.




Bitcointalk Username- kentutbae
Bitcointalk Profile link-;u=1771007
wallet: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Aeterna , Platform of progress in the future,

Aeterna is a DeFi development company designing the next generation DeFi 2.0 solution, in an effort to improve the staking module, with the Aeterna auto-staking protocol. The company’s main product is the Aeterna token, with an excellent value proposition to benefit token holders.

is a unique De-Fi ecosystem that offers multiple ways to generate wealth and navigate a confusing decentralized world.
Here’s a quick overview of the basics of the project and a look at the progress we plan to build as our ecosystem evolves.


After seeing what life was like before technology was as ubiquitous as it is today, we know how different times are.
New systems are being born every day, just like the decentralized financial systems that are popping up right before our eyes.

Now, as more and more people adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology builds its infrastructure to support data query and retrieval, we see a new future on the horizon.

A future where passive income, open markets, and safe and rewarding investments are available and easily accessible to everyone. A stress and worry free future when it comes to crypto trading. A safe place to buy, hold and earn, then watch your investment grow.

We see a thriving ecosystem as our own and an ecosystem that becomes a beacon for others to show how technology can be used to create a better future for all.

This is our vision and this will be our story.

About their approach:
The need to motivate our owners is one of our top priorities.

That’s why we upgraded our native token to incorporate a revolutionary positive compounding model. This model calculates compound interest instantly and adds it to your wallet balance every 20 minutes. Up to 3 times an hour, 72 times a day. Everything is automatic.

fig with one of the highest APY in the industry with over 200,000%.
What better reason to quit than that?
Automatic merging protocol: Merging protocol automatically pays users every 20 minutes of the day, making a total of 72 payments in a day. This figure makes the fastest auto-aggregating protocol on the network.

To support rebase pricing and rewards, Aeterna uses a complex set of factors. This includes the Aeterna $AET Insurance Fund, which acts as an insurance fund to ensure the price stability of the Aeterna Protocol and long-term viability by maintaining a consistent 0.01 percent rebase rate paid out to all Aeterna token holders every 20 minutes.

Ecosystem Roadmap
Our ecosystem launch plan is very simple and straightforward. Easily scalable and designed for explosive growth with each subsequent development expansion.

D’App Application
decentralized will be the gateway to all features.

Community-based initiatives such as lotteries, merchandising and secure exchange platforms build trust and drive growth.

The Launchpad project will create opportunities for safe trading and long-term investment with great potential.

Alat De-Fi
Make trading easier and more user friendly. Features that can buy, sell and trade automatically, with additional ATH alerts.

Using a positive rebase formula, Aeterna allows distribution of tokens to be paid in proportion to Epoch Rebase Rewards worth 0.01 percent of the total $AFT tokens in your wallet every 20 minutes during the Epoch Period.

All of these elements have been coordinated by the development team so that they work smoothly behind the scenes. As a result, Aeterna holders now have a simple and elegant betting and reward system.

Finally, Aeterna is very different from other protocols with similar features or forks of Olympus DAO, Safuu and Titano. To learn more about an in-depth analysis of how Aeterna0 differs from other protocols, read here:

Ecosystem Roadmap

About Eco-System


Aeternity Utility Hub
Dashboard and D’App for easy navigation
Safe coin aggregator
Secure dev repository
Launchpad IDO for
develop real use case projects
Launchpad memes for safe gambling aimed at small cap investors
Eternal Creation Hub
Frequently scheduled lotteries
Shops and Merchandising
Secure gateway and payment
Alat De-Fi Abadi
Comprehensive trading tools and boats
real time graph
Decentralized exchange and investor network

For more information:
Telegram Channel:
Telegram bounty: https:/ /

Bitcointalk username: kentutbae
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1771007
BSC address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Caesar Finance | Changing DeFi with Caesar Auto-Staking Protocol (CAP) which provides the industry's highest fixed APY.


The increasing maturation of digital technologies coupled with the speed of evolution in regulation and consumer expectations implies that organizations in the financial sector are under pressure to provide best-in-class customer experiences, optimize costs, create new revenue streams and develop secure & compliant systems .

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has seen an explosion of new types of financial products on the blockchain. We have covered yield farming, Bitcoin tokenized on Ethereum, Uniswap, and flash lending. One other segment of the crypto space that is interesting to watch is elastic supply tokens, or rebase tokens.

The Holy Empire will rise once more with $CAESAR CAP gives $CAESAR automatic staking and compounding features, and the highest fixed APY in the market at 153,617.5%, a daily ROI (Return On Investment) of just over 2%.

Caesar is a developer based company focused on innovation that creates benefits and value for Caesar token holders. Our CAP protocol is issued in the Caesar token giving it exception benefits for holders of $CAESAR:
  • Easy and Safe – We provide auto-staking right in your wallet when you purchase $CAESAR. No need to move your tokens to our website. From the minute you buy, you are staked, and set to receive rebase rewards. The easiest auto-staking in DeFi.
  • A Fixed APY – APYs that fluctuate means you can never tell how many tokens you will receive. Other DeFi protocols pay out a high APY that can fluctuate by 90% in a day. CAP pays $CAESAR holders a fixed interest rate of just over 2% daily or with compounding 153,617.5% annually.
  • Fast Rebase Rewards. Other popular staking protocols pay rebasing rewards every 8 hours which means if you want to unstake you have to time it to get maximum rewards. The Caesar Auto-staking Protocol pays every 30 minutes or 48 times every day, making it the fastest auto-staking protocol in crypto.
The CAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It also uses game theory and human nature to determine the most likely habits of those who buy the token. Our development team has coordinated all of these elements so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple and elegant staking and rewards system for $CAESAR holders.

The CAP is as flexible as it is powerful and will be used as the foundation for a range of Caesar products, services, and projects going forward. Each will transform a different area of crypto.

How Does Autostaking Work?

The CAP Autostake feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, that provides the ultimate ease of use for $CAESAR holders.

Here’s how it works: by simply buying $CAESAR and holding the token in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards directly into your wallet. Your tokens will increase every 30 minutes. It’s that simple.

Using a Positive Rebase formula, Caesar makes it possible for daily token distribution directly proportional to the daily rebase rewards, worth 2% of the token supply.

The rebase rewards are distributed on each epoch (rebase period) to all $CAESAR holders. This means that without moving their tokens from their wallet, Caesar holders receive an annual compound interest of 153,617.5%. Pretty crazy.

Overview of $CAESAR Tokens

$CAESAR is an ERC20 token with an elastic supply which rewards its holders with a positive rebase formula, thus creating the first autostaking and autocompounding token on Avalanche.
Caesar has implemented trading fees in order to sustain and realize an industry leading APY. If you want to learn more about our trading fees, click .

Here is a list of the fees and how they are distributed:

Buy Trading Fees are 13%:
  • 5% – RFV (Risk Free Value)
  • 5% – Sustain Liquidity
  • 3% – Treasury
Sell Trading Fees are 18%
  • 5% – RFV (Risk Free Value)
  • 5% – Sustain Liquidity
  • 8% – Treasury

More information about how the money is used:
  • 5% of the trading fees is directed to the RFV which helps sustain and back the Staking Rewards provided by the Positive Rebase.
  • 5% of the trading fees goes to backing the liquidity of the AVAX/CAESAR pair on Trader Joe ensuring an ever-increasing collateral value of $CAESAR.
  • 3% of the buys and 8% of the sales go directly to the treasury which supports the RFV value, provides a marketing and hiring budget for Caesar, and funds new project and product development.

How To Buy

Need a multi-lingual guide? Check this:

Step 1: Buy AVAX (Coinbase, Transak,, Binance, Huobi, etc).

The AVAX we want is C-Chain and you’ll most likely buy C-Chain AVAX, but if the AVAX you buy is X-Chain, you’ll want to create an Avalanche Wallet ( and follow this guide to change the AVAX’s chain:

Step 2: Set up the Avalanche network on your MetaMask account and send your C-Chain AVAX to your MetaMask

Follow this guide: If you don’t have a MetaMask account, make one here:

Step 3: Swap your AVAX for $CAESAR

Here is where you can do that: When swapping, you can use the auto-tax feature and this should automatically use what’s needed. If for some reason it isn’t working, turn off this option, set your slippage to 15%, and continuously increase until your transaction goes through. You will rarely need to go 5% above the minimum 15% slippage fee.

Contract & Address Details
How much can I earn?

Our products are powered by DeFi and are designed to help you easily generate cash flow from your cryptocurrencies.
If you invest $1000 USD at the beginning of the year…
You can earn up to $1,537,174.9 USD from $CAESAR at 153,617.49% APY*.
Earnings are calculated in a scenario where RFV maintains a rebase reward for 365 days.

#caesarfinance $caesar #defi #defiyield #AVAX

For information you can visit the link below:
Forum Username: kentutbae
Telegram Username:@ kentutbae
Bsc Wallet Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



One interesting strong feature about APY is that the balance won't grow linearly but exponentially over time. If user start with $1 DARTH balance on Day 1, after a year, his balance will grow to about $3,830 DARTH. This is often the facility of interest. DARTH provides a decentralized financial asset where investors are rewarded with a tough and fast interest through the use of the proprietary DARTH protocol. The DARTH Auto-Staking Protocol could also be a financial protocol that makes staking easier and more efficient and provides $DARTH token holders stable crypto returns. Darth features a hard and fast APY within the 383,000% crypto space. DARTH could also be a corporation focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for holders of Darth tokens. Additionally to the automated storage, the coin project will have a special wallet within the name of the coin where investors can store their coins to be safe from the central platforms. As for the second plan, it'll be a decentralized platform. The Auto Stake feature could also be an easy but very advanced process called Buy-Hold-Grow, which provides simple use and safety for $DARTH holders. By using the positive re-establishment formula that Darth allows you to pay and distribute tokens directly every quarter-hour of the whole amount of DARTH tokens in your wallet, this means that without removing, transferring your tokens from your wallet, all Darth holders will receive annual interest 383,000% vehicle for the first year. Once you've purchased a DARTH token and held it in your wallet, your tokens will automatically increase quarterly hour. 5% of all trading transaction fees are allocated and insured in Darth Insurance Fund which helps mitigate the downside risk, this might confirm the steadiness and validity of our protocol. The tactic of registering the DARTH token in your wallet is from the beginning of your purchase of the token, there is no need to transfer the token over the online from the moment you buy it, you start receiving gains. From the first time you start your bet you are doing not got to bet more, our automatic staking and installation mechanism pays the gains on to your wallet whenever. DARTH pays 383,000.0% within the primary 12 months which rivals anything with DeFi. After the first 12 months, the speed of interest decreases during the quantity of a long-term interest cycle predetermined within the token contract. DARTH pays each DARTH Token holder every quarter-hour or 96 times each day. It’s a system that aims to make our token more stable through automatic token burning which prevents it from getting out of control and becoming unmanageable or back, 2.5% of total Darth token market sales burned within an equivalent single transaction.



$Darth left at the right time to steer the DEFI revolution with its own protocol, a financial protocol that has more features and benefits than other products. Which facilitates the auto-staking process and provides Darth token holders the power of a stable Gains in crypto. Darth buy and sell fees play a very effective vital role, as they provide the capital to perform the important functions of the protocol. Selling the bonds also costs token holders. It reduces the number of APY which can be served and eliminates the facility to deliver a stable APY. The fee ratio (14% to buy for and 16% to sell) allows DARTH to provide DARTH dollar holders with a tough and fast high return of 383,000.00% once a year. The rest of the other protocols use the selling of bonds to support the same functions of the DARTH fee, but this approach is more risky because if the bonds aren't bought, the token loses its support and spirals down in price.

Important Links


Forum Username: kentutbae
Forum Profile Link:;u=1771007
Telegram Username: @kentutbae

Smart Chain (BSC) Wallet Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Storm Yield Finance | Defi-DAO eco-system with Fixed APY 669,212.62%,focus on NFT and Music projects.


You must have heard and know what cryptocurrency is, and you are wondering: Should I invest in cryptocurrency? The answer is, immediately buy cryptocurrency.
By investing in Crypto Assets, you are helping to support the continued evolution of this innovative and transformational technology, designed to benefit future generations.

Crypto assets are digital commodities that use blockchain technology. Previously, blockchain technology was known for changing the financial industry, where to make transactions, no intermediaries were needed. However, the blockchain technology that underlies this cryptocurrency, has the potential to not only transform the financial industry, but other major industries.

Like this big project, StormYield Finance
has become a hot topic of conversation among investors to join the growing StormYield Finance community around the world.

Welcome to Storm Yield Finance all investors

STY is sweeping through the Defi world with its unique Storm Yield Protocol, which offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards holders with a sustainable fixed compound interest. Buy-Hold-Earn $STY for the highest fixed APY in Crypto, compounded every 5 minutes. Watch your portfolio grow faster than lighting right in your wallet.

What is DAO?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are organizations designed to be automated and decentralized. They act as a form of venture capital fund, based on open-source code and without a centralized management structure.

All transactions of the organization are recorded and maintained on the blockchain. Interests of the members of DAOs are — if honored correctly — heard and executed. Hence, DAOs are transparent and, in theory, incorruptible. All transactions of the organization are recorded and maintained on a blockchain.

StormYield Finance unique elements

StormYield Finance is an outstanding staking service with unique elements designed to bring huge benefits to $STY holders.

  • Secure staking service: 5% of all trading fees are kept in the STY Insurance Fund which helps sustain the staking rewards by maintaining price stability.
  • Highest and easiest Staking: Staking with StormYield Finance becomes easier than any others. Investors just need to HOLD TO EARN $STY with the highest APY at 669,212%.
  • Lighting speed rebase rate and payment: $STY holders will receive a reward every 05 minutes (288 times/day), making STY the fastest auto-compound finance platform in the crypto world.
  • Auto burn: One of the most unique features is THE LIGHTNING ROD — a progressive burning mechanism. STY Lighting Rod protects the STY protocol by reducing the circulating supply and maintaining a higher STY price over time.

Secure and sustainable features inspired by circular economy principles.

$STY is the native token of the STY Protocol. With Crypto’s highest paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding protocol and the greatest fixed APY in the industry at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY token receive auto-compounded interest reward every 5 minutes.

  1. STY Insurance Fund: The SIF operates as an Insurance fund that consistently pays a 0.00838% rebase rate to all $STY holders every 5 minutes to ensure price sustainability, avoiding flashcrach and fostering long-term growth of the STY Protocol.
  2. STY Treasury: In the event of an extreme price drop, the Treasury will send funds to the Insurance Fund, keeping the price stable and sustainable for the long term. The Treasury also funds marketing, investments and future development of STY Protocol.
  3. The Lighting Rod: 1.5% of all $STY traded are burned in the Lighting Rod. Just like how real life lightning rods cancel out lightning threats, the STY Lighting Rod protects the STY protocol by reducing the circulating supply, thus combating positive rebase interest and keeping the protocol sustainable.
  4. STY Auto-Liquidity Engine:
  • Automatic injection of Liquidity every 48 hours
  • Enable complete APY sustainability until maximum supply is reached
  • Team cannot pause or stop Liquidity from being added


$STY the native token in Storm Yield Fiannce to reward for holders every each 05 minutes.


  • Initial Supply: 400,000
  • Max Supply: 5,000,000,000
  • Fairlaunch: 240,000
  • Liquidity: 122,400


Buy: 12% tax

  • Automatic LP: 3% of order fees return to liquidity
  • STY Insurance Fund: 5% of order fees are stored in SIF
  • Treasury: 2.5% of order fees go to the Treasury
  • Lightning Rod: 1.5% of $STY is burnt in the Lighting Rod

Sell: 18% tax

  • Automatic LP: 3% of order fees return to liquidity
  • STY Insurance Fund: 5% of order fees are stored in SIF
  • Treasury: 8.5% of order fees go to the Treasury
  • Lightning Rod: 1.5% of $STY is burnt in the Lighting Rod

stormyield #defi #defiprojects #defiyield #bscgem #titanoforks

Join us to follow our latest news and updates!

Forum Username: kentutbae
Forum Profile Link:;u=1771007
Telegram Username: @kentutbae
BSC Wallet Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Clock X24 is a fresh approach to bitcoin trading and investing.



Clock X24 is a fresh approach to bitcoin trading and investing. Our unique investment technique, which combines technical, fundamental, and psychological research, is on course to transform the world of cryptocurrency trading.
A high-yield investment that can yield up to 100% of the initial investment plus an additional 24% per year.

Clock X24 is a new type of investment that employs a very precise protocol to produce annual returns of over 16 percent. The interest rate is the most important factor to consider while investing; the lower the rate, the better. Check out Clock X24's auto-compounding methodology, an investing protocol that ensures your money increases considerably faster.



Clock X24 defi is a cryptocurrency that allows you to profit from successful crypto trading while also earning a passive income. With Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other altcoins, you can purchase Clock X24 defi tokens.

Our goal is to become the most valuable cryptocurrency and blockchain token in the world, with the biggest market capitalization and daily trading volume of all cryptocurrencies traded on public stock exchanges.


Clock X24 defi investment and auto compounding protocol is a one-of-a-kind, ground-breaking passive investment and auto compounding protocol for investors seeking a long-term return on their investment.

You will receive more than just a crypto money if you join the Clock X24 initiative. You will also be protected by a knowledgeable and trustworthy team who will assist you with your investment by giving numerous benefits.

Investors can participate in the Crypto Currency markets with Clock X24 defi. It is more efficient and transparent than other protocols currently in use.

The Clock X24 defi investment and auto Compounding protocol is a new platform that allows investors to profit from the protocol.



Clock X24 is an auto-compounding and decentralized investing system. It is made up of a series of smart contracts that control how token holders vote for new trading pairs to be added to the exchange's list of coins, how deals are completed and settled, and how profits are dispersed.

Clock X24 is an auto-compounding and investment protocol for the next generation. The X24X utility token allows holders to vote on proposals to assist in the fund's management.


The Clock X24 defi investment and auto compounding protocol is a smart investment platform that aims to reduce or completely eliminate the problem of crypto asset fragmentation. It is a smart contract platform that can completely eliminate the risk of asset fragmentation, ensuring complete and perfect asset management, and automatic profit for investors.

Investing in tokens is automatically compounded: Invest your cryptocurrency in our trading algorithms and earn the same profit as a full-time trader. Clock X24 tokens are automatically converted from crypto assets and used as collateral to support the investment. With the purpose of raising your capital, your money will be used to acquire and sell cryptocurrencies.



Clock X24 defi is a smart contract that allows you to invest in an autonomous fund that uses compounding returns to grow your money. At the conclusion of each month, the smart contract will automatically reinvest your gains, allowing you to use them for other investments or withdraw them as cash.

You've come to the correct place if you're looking for a clock that can help you keep track of every second of your day. We have launched a new clock that helps you invest and grow your money as well as track time. Find out everything you need to know about the Clock X24 in our review!

Related links:

Writer Details:
Bitcointalk username: kentutbae
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=1771007

ETH Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

First Asset Multiplication Protocol Of Crypto World


Clock 24 token is a type of cryptocurrency token that uses Asset Multiplication Protocol in profit generation. Unlike other types of tokens where profiteering is based on stakes, risks, exchanges, and rewards, Clock 24 provides holders with 0.018% of their stakes every 10 minutes, 24/7.

C24 is a BEP-20 token that is susceptible to inflation by nature. and rewards holders 144 times in a day, that is, for every 10 minutes in 24 hours. The protocol is a self-designed and drafted network and is essentially an indigenous innovation.
Clock x24 Token is transforming DeFi with the Clock x24 Autostaking Protocol (CAP) that delivers the industry's highest forever APY (Annual percentage yield), rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and is a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your assets in your wallet, almost effortlessly fast.
With its Auto-Burn, burning Pit configuration, marginal starting supply, and 10-minute Epoch's, C24's tokenomics are also entirely unique, allowing for a much more linear APY evolution of attainability.

3.PNG provides a decentralized financial asset with its unique reward system, increasing assets, every 10 minutes all round for 24 hours, 7 days a week.
The C24 reward generation is a unique protocol that has advanced profit-making. The C24 rewarding protocol generates and distributes a 0.018% reward every epoch, for all active users. The protocol equips RFI (Request for Information) properties.
This protocol is equipped with innovative technologies and features that other forks lack. It is specially designed to be automated and efficient.

You are rewarded through an auto-staking instrument simply by holding C24 tokens in your wallet. Your due rewards will automatically be sent to your wallet after every epoch. An epoch is the frequency of reward distribution. In the case of C24, an epoch is every 10 minutes. Clock 24 Token is trustworthy, and it is listed and available on and operates a standard business relationship with BNB Smart Chain.


  • Unique Features.
    The protocol has some utilities that sets this protocol apart from Olympus DAO forks. These differences also provide a market advantage to All of these utilities are aptly discussed in this section

● $C24 utility token
The $C24 is a native token on the protocol which also serves as the network’s native currency. All rebase interests are paid in $C24 token along with many other utilities of this token.
The $C24 Insurance Fund holds 2% of all trading fees, which helps to sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk. This further proves the thoughtfulness and dexterity of vision with which the token dares to thrive.
The $C24 token is always kept in your wallet, so it is never given to a third party or centralized authority. All you have to do is buy and hold your C24 token, because you will automatically receive rewards in your own wallet, eliminating the need for any complicated staking processes. Through the automation of the entire procedure, all rewards from the staking pool are automatically transferred to your wallet.

One of the most exciting aspects of the Protocol is an automatic token burn system known as "The burning Pit," which prevents circulating supply from becoming unmanageable. The burning Pit consumes 2.0 percent of all $C24 Token market sales and is consumed in a single transaction.

Also, the burning Pit consumes 1.0 percent of all $C24 traded. The more that is traded, the more that is added to the fire, causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self-fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and maintaining the C24 protocol stable.
Reduction of risk associated with a downside, ensuring long-term growth continuity by maintaining constant growth levels Ensuring price stability through rebase strategy.


*Profiteering- Simple and Safe.
The C24 tokens always stay in your wallet; it doesn't need to be put into the high-risk staking contract. All you need to do is to buy & hold and it will automatically multiply rewards in your own wallet so there’s no need to learn about the stake/unstake mechanism and also avoid paying an additional tax fee on staking operations.

Liquidity can be thought of as a large pool of money that is split into half between C24 and BNB tokens. There is a conversion ratio that is set to the amount of C24 that can be obtained through BNB, for example, 1 BNB equals 36.44 C24.

PRICE: $3.77 @ 0.008808 BNB (-30.47%)
Total Supply: 646,649.83757 C24
Holders:3,709 addresses

Official Site:

This project is absolutely spot on! It is visionary enough to emerge as a vanguard with its unique Asset Multiplication Protocol, and its brilliant continuity measure. A qualitative and quantitative research and study have been made on the project, and with much conviction I can say that this is an opportunity that will sure reward investors without any complications whatsoever.

More information about Clock x24 project

Telegram group:
Learn more about Clock x24

Bitcointalk username: kentutbae
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1771007

BSC wallet ID: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Jungle Kingdom


Warrior Animal:

Warrior Animal which has expertise in speed, will gain more BNB rewards in the game.

Warrior Animal which has expertise in attack, will have higher win rate and gain XP and BNB reward in the game.

Warrior Animal which has expertise in defense, will reduce Hp lose in the battle, in order to win more battle chances.

Warrior Animal which all abilities on average, will have a stable win rate and corresponding reward, at the same time, it will reduce the possibility of winning big rewards.

Warrior Animal which has some point in peak, may bring surprise in rewards, but will spend you more time for training.

Every warrior animal not only has its expertise but also has its rareness

Common:% chance of getting one 72%

(Giraffe 30% Monkey 30% Sea Lion 20% Lion 10% Other 10%)

Rare:% chance of getting one 25%

(Giraffe 30% Monkey 20% Lion 20% Other 30%)

Epic:% chance of getting one 3%

(Random for all warrior animal)

Lengendary:% chance of getting one 0%

(need to be composited)

Who are PVE battle defenders?

Entrance Level

HP = 200

Win rate ( 63% ~ 70%)

XP Bonus (100 XP ~ 120 XP)

BNB Bonus (0.0023BNB ~0.0032BNB)

Ordinary Level

HP = 250

Win rate ( 51% ~ 60%)

XP Bonus (130 XP ~ 200 XP)

BNB Bonus (0.0037BNB ~0.0047BNB)

Boss Level

HP = 400 ~ 500

Win rate ( 2.8% ~ 28%)

XP Bonus (400 XP ~ 2000 XP)

BNB Bonus (0.015BNB ~1 BNB)

Jungle Upgrade

Upgrading method: Need 200AMT to unlock the next level, at the same time, its experience (XP) has to be reached to the corresponding level

Jungle Props

Introduction for upgrade benefit of Warrior Animal and its castle

Mining — Increase BNB rewards

Level 2(Addtional reward(AMT equivalent to 0.075BNB/24hours ) + 3% BNB

Level 3(Addtional reward(AMT equivalent to 0.095BNB/24hours ) + 4% BNB

Level 4(Addtional reward(AMT equivalent to 0.125BNB/48hours ) + 6% BNB

Entertainment — Reduced damage from animal fights

Level 2(AMT equivalent to 0.075BNB/24hours ) -5% ( Animal +3)

Level 3(AMT equivalent to 0.095BNB/24hours ) -7% ( Animal +4)

Level 4(AMT equivalent to 0.125BNB /48hours ) -10% (Animal +5)

Magic House — Increases rewards for more experience point

Level 2 (AMT equivalent to 0.05BNB/24hours ) Battle:+30XP

Level 3 (AMT equivalent to 0.007BNB/24hours ) Battle:+35XP

Level 4 (AMT equivalent to 0.1 BNB/48hours )Battle:+45XP

Training Ground — Increase the value of various attributes of animals

Level 2 (AMT equivalent to 0.05BNB/24hours ) +30 A, +30 D, +30 S

Level 3 (AMT equivalent to 0.007BNB/24hours )+40 A, +40 D, +40 S

Level 4 (AMT equivalent to 0.1BNB/48hours ) +50 A, +50 D, +50 S

A = Attack , D = Defense , S = Speed

Token Distribution

Our $AMT is an utility token that will power the JungleKingdom Game, where holders in fact act as key players of the whole JungleKingdom Ecosystem.

Jungle Kingdom Token Overview

  • Token Name: Animal Token
  • Token Ticker: AMT
  • Decimal: 18
  • Total: 100,000,000 (100 million)
  • Tax: Free tax for buying, 12% tax for selling
  • Contract Address: 0xA15fc74aB9794343F5F703489591F10e402d90e0

Token Sale

Seed Round



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Forum Username: kentutbae
BSC Wallet Address: 0x58293Ae3413aC8E8b1071d5bEEED245b132f9457