Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Meteorite network is a Hold-to-farm Defi protocol. HOLD-TO-FARM + FIRST CRYPTO SPORTBETTING PLATFORM

About Meteorite Network

Meteorite Finance is a "Hold-to-farm" Defi protocol which rewards every one of its holders with a percentage fee from every transaction made in its ecosystem. Meteorite finance, just launched its first product, Meteorbet. Meteorbet is the first ever cryptocurrency sport betting platform which allows holders of meteorite place bets on major sporting events and stand a chance to win a set amount of meteorite token.Every product built on the network will support the use of Meteor, thus creating more use cases for tokens.Meteorbet is a decentralized funding sports betting platform that allows Meteor bets on major sporting events and has the chance to win multiple Meteor Tokens.Meteorbet is creating a bridge between sport and Defi space to meet these growing expectations and demands.Investors will be able to bet Meteor on Meteorbet and are eligible to win an amount of Meteor as a prize. 

To increase the prize money and currency supported by Meteorbet, partnerships will be created with other projects to attract tokens and their communities.The global sports betting industry reaches a market size of 203 billion US dollars in 2020.In this industry, there are around 197 thousand employees with a total of nearly 31 thousand businesses. The market is also poised to grow due to the increasing popularity of international sporting events around the world coupled with the increasing popularity of high-end sports like cricket, soccer, baseballIt has gained a lot of traction in recent years, which has led to a decent increase in sponsorship for clubs, teams, players.

In addition, increased investment by various sports organizations in marketing and promotion activities has led to increased investment bybetting company large in providing sponsorship for sports teams around the world.thus, the increasing commercialization of sporting events is considered to be a key factor which is expected to have a positive impact on the market growth over the next five years.With increasing consumer expectations, this leads to constant participation of major market players in the form of partnerships, collaborations, agreements and R&D for launch multiple platforms to meet rising consumer expectations. 

METEORBET creates a bridge between sports and defi space to meet these growing expectations and demands.investors will have the opportunity to stake $ Meteor on METEORBET and are entitled to win an amount of $ Meteor as a prize. to expand the prize money and currency staked supported at METEORBET, partnerships will be created with other projects to bring in tokens and their communities.

MeteorBet (SportBetting Platform)

We will be unveiling an Online sports betting platform for major sports including football, boxing, tennis and more sports and events (e.g Elections) Will be added.  

How Meteorbet works:

There are three main operations in the system: deposits, withdrawals and transfers.

Create an account

  1. Click Register on the main page.
  2. Fill in the information and submit it.
  3. Enter the code that was sent to your email address.
  4. The system will automatically create a unique betting wallet for each user.

Make a deposit

  1. Click the Operation button on the menu bar.
  2. and select "Deposit Money" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click "Deposit".
  4. Enter the amount.
  5. Click Pay Now.
  6. Follow the instructions that appear and send the meteorite.
  7. At the specified address, enter the transaction hash and the number of sent tokens and click the "Pay now" button.

To withdraw and transfer funds

Follow the appropriate transaction procedures and select “Withdraw or Transfer Money”.

Meteorite Tokenomics

●  USECASE: MeteorBet (Online SportBetting Platform)


●  15,000 Meteor: Total Supply (No Minting)

●  Circulating Supply: 14,500

●  3750 Meteor: METEORBET POOL (25%)

●  450 Meteor: Team Token (3%)

●  1500 Meteor: Marketing (10%)

●  40 ETH: Soft Cap

●  75 ETH: Hard Cap


Stake Small and Win Big with Meteorbet!
 After several months of rebranding, we are happy to announce that METEORBET is Now Live!! And we have a special welcome bonus for our new users. players receive a 0.1 $Meteor free bet after creating an account with meteorbet.The free bet must be wagered no later than 14 days after the deposit has been made.This offer is limited to one per user and wallet address. Available only to new METEORBET players.METEORBET reserves the right to deduct or reclaim any free bets and winnings in cases where the free bet was wrongly credited, or abuse on the part of the player has been revealed.The free bet cannot be sold, until after a deposit has been made and used as a wager on a bet.The free bet amount must be used in full and cannot be split into smaller bets.Place your bet on your favourite team at

About the Author:

Bitcointalk Username: kentutbae

Telegram Username: @kentutbae

Bitcointalk url:;u=1771007

ERC20 address: 0x948C0484984066f53A35c8F670B1B1966508A288

Meteorite Network


Meteorite Network


About Meteorite Network

Meteorite Finance is a "Hold-to-farm" Defi protocol which rewards every one of its holders with a percentage fee from every transaction made in its ecosystem. Meteorite finance, just launched its first product, Meteorbet. Meteorbet is the first ever cryptocurrency sport betting platform which allows holders of meteorite place bets on major sporting events and stand a chance to win a set amount of meteorite token.

Every product built on the network will support the use of Meteor, thus creating more use cases for tokens.

Meteorbet is a decentralized funding sports betting platform that allows Meteor bets on major sporting events and has the chance to win multiple Meteor Tokens.

Meteorbet is creating a bridge between sport and Defi space to meet these growing expectations and demands.

Investors will be able to bet Meteor on Meteorbet and are eligible to win an amount of Meteor as a prize. To increase the prize money and currency supported by Meteorbet, partnerships will be created with other projects to attract tokens and their communities.

The global sports betting industry reaches a market size of 203 billion US dollars in 2020.In this industry, there are around 197 thousand employees with a total of nearly 31 thousand businesses. The market is also poised to grow due to the increasing popularity of international sporting events around the world coupled with the increasing popularity of high-end sports like cricket, soccer, baseballIt has gained a lot of traction in recent years, which has led to a decent increase in sponsorship for clubs, teams, players.

In addition, increased investment by various sports organizations in marketing and promotion activities has led to increased investment bybetting company large in providing sponsorship for sports teams around the world.thus, the increasing commercialization of sporting events is considered to be a key factor which is expected to have a positive impact on the market growth over the next five years.

With increasing consumer expectations, this leads to constant participation of major market players in the form of partnerships, collaborations, agreements and R&D for launch multiple platforms to meet rising consumer expectations. METEORBET creates a bridge between sports and defi space to meet these growing expectations and demands.

investors will have the opportunity to stake $ Meteor on METEORBET and are entitled to win an amount of $ Meteor as a prize. to expand the prize money and currency staked supported at METEORBET, partnerships will be created with other projects to bring in tokens and their communities.

MeteorBet (SportBetting Platform)

We will be unveiling an Online sports betting platform for major sports including football, boxing, tennis and more sports and events (e.g Elections) Will be added.

Meteorite Network, gambar #2

How Meteorbet works:

There are three main operations in the system: deposits, withdrawals and transfers.

Create an account

  1. Click Register on the main page.
  2. Fill in the information and submit it.
  3. Enter the code that was sent to your email address.
  4. The system will automatically create a unique betting wallet for each user.

Make a deposit

  1. Click the Operation button on the menu bar.
  2. and select "Deposit Money" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click "Deposit".
  4. Enter the amount.
  5. Click Pay Now.
  6. Follow the instructions that appear and send the meteorite.
  7. At the specified address, enter the transaction hash and the number of sent tokens and click the "Pay now" button.

To withdraw and transfer funds

Follow the appropriate transaction procedures and select “Withdraw or Transfer Money”.

Meteorite Tokenomics

● USECASE: MeteorBet (Online SportBetting Platform)


● 15,000 Meteor: Total Supply (No Minting)

● Circulating Supply: 14,500

● 3750 Meteor: METEORBET POOL (25%)

● 450 Meteor: Team Token (3%)

● 1500 Meteor: Marketing (10%)

● 40 ETH: Soft Cap

● 75 ETH: Hard Cap


Meteorite Network, gambar #3

Stake Small and Win Big with Meteorbet!

Meteorite Network, gambar #4

After several months of rebranding, we are happy to announce that METEORBET is Now Live!! And we have a special welcome bonus for our new users.

New players receive a 0.1 $Meteor free bet after creating an account with meteorbet.

The free bet must be wagered no later than 14 days after the deposit has been made.

This offer is limited to one per user and wallet address. Available only to new METEORBET players.

METEORBET reserves the right to deduct or reclaim any free bets and winnings in cases where the free bet was wrongly credited, or abuse on the part of the player has been revealed.

The free bet cannot be sold, until after a deposit has been made and used as a wager on a bet.

The free bet amount must be used in full and cannot be split into smaller bets.

Place your bet on your favourite team at

For More Information Click Links Bellow:

About the Author:

Bitcointalk Username: kentutbae

Telegram Username: @kentutbae

Bitcointalk url:;u=1771007

ERC20 address: 0x948C0484984066f53A35c8F670B1B1966508A288

Kunjungi sebuah proyek baru bernama METEORITE FINANCE



Sebagian besar platform DeFi berbentuk aplikasi terdesentralisasi, yang dikenal sebagai dapps. Dapps ini menggunakan serangkaian kontrak pintar untuk mengotomatiskan transaksi keuangan, membuatnya lebih cepat, lebih efisien, dan seringkali lebih terjangkau daripada rekan terpusat mereka. Demikian juga, karena dapps diatur oleh kode komputer, yang secara inheren netral, tidak ada masalah bias.

Apa itu Jaringan Meteorit?

Jaringan Meteorit adalah cengkeraman untuk mengolah Protokol Defi di Ethereum Blockchain, yang menggunakan Meteor sebagai mata uang asli. Pada setiap transaksi yang dilakukan di jaringan Meteorite, 1% dibebankan dan didistribusikan ke pemegang token. Setiap produk yang dibangun di atas jaringan mendukung penggunaan token Meteor yang menciptakan lebih banyak kasus penggunaan token.

Apa Meteorbet?

Meteorbet adalah platform taruhan olahraga untuk keuangan terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan pemegang token Meteor untuk bertaruh pada acara olahraga besar dan memiliki peluang untuk memenangkan sejumlah token Meteor.

Industri taruhan olahraga global mencapai ukuran pasar lebih dari 200 miliar dolar AS tahun lalu. Pasar juga siap untuk tumbuh karena meningkatnya popularitas acara olahraga internasional di seluruh dunia ditambah dengan meningkatnya popularitas olahraga kelas atas seperti kriket, bisbol, sepak bola yang mengarah pada peningkatan yang layak dalam sponsorship untuk klub, tim, dan pemain.

Meningkatnya investasi berbagai organisasi olahraga dalam pemasaran dan kegiatan promosi telah menyebabkan peningkatan investasi oleh perusahaan taruhan besar dalam memberikan sponsor untuk tim olahraga di seluruh dunia. Dengan demikian, meningkatnya komersialisasi acara olahraga dinilai menjadi faktor kunci yang diharapkan berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan pasar selama lima tahun ke depan.

Meningkatnya ekspektasi konsumen telah mendorong partisipasi terus-menerus dari para pemain utama pasar dalam bentuk kemitraan, kolaborasi, perjanjian, dan R&D untuk peluncuran berbagai platform guna memenuhi ekspektasi konsumen yang meningkat. METEORBET menciptakan jembatan antara olahraga dan ruang Defi untuk memenuhi ekspektasi dan permintaan yang terus meningkat.

Investor Meteor akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mempertaruhkan Meteor di platform METEORBET dan berhak memenangkan sejumlah token Meteor sebagai hadiah. Untuk memperluas reward dan staking currency yang didukung di Meteorbet, kemitraan akan dibuat dengan proyek lain untuk membawa token dan komunitas mereka.

METEORBET terus menambahkan lebih banyak opsi yang kami harapkan lalu lintasnya terus meningkat. METEORBET mencari lebih banyak opsi taruhan Crypto, memperluas ke pertandingan eSports, dan tentu saja NFL.

Karena METEORBET memiliki sistem 'Tahan untuk Menghasilkan', METEORBET perlu memikirkan cara untuk juga memberi penghargaan kepada penyedia Likuiditas. Solusi METEORBET untuk masalah likuiditas adalah METEORBET telah setuju bahwa penyedia Likuiditas sekarang akan mendapatkan 60% dari semua biaya yang dihasilkan dari platform Solusi ini akan memungkinkan kami untuk fokus 100% untuk membawa lebih banyak lalu lintas ke platform karena semakin banyak lalu lintas yang kami hasilkan, semakin banyak likuiditas yang akan disediakan orang, semakin banyak biaya yang akan diperoleh orang.

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Anda akan membeli turnamen dengan jumlah X token Meteor, Anda kemudian akan memilih pemenang untuk semua game NFL putaran itu dengan 1 game memiliki margin yang akan Anda masukkan. Siapa pun yang memiliki tim pemenang terbanyak akan memenangkan 1% dari kumpulan. Dalam keadaan seri (Beberapa pemain memiliki 8 pemenang) maka siapa pun yang mengambil margin terdekat pada permainan ronde tersebut akan dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.

Kemudahan penggunaan

Platform ini semudah mungkin diakses. Untuk solusi ini, METEORBET telah membuat aplikasi seluler. Dengan mengklik tombol, Anda akan dapat mengakses platform taruhan di ponsel Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja.


● Total Pasokan: 15000

● Presale (40%) - 6000

● Meteorbet Pool (25%) - 3750

● Token Tim (3%) - 450

● Pemasaran (10%) - 1500


Peta jalan

Kunjungi sebuah proyek baru bernama METEORITE FINANCE, gambar #2


Meningkatnya popularitas acara olahraga internasional di seluruh dunia ditambah dengan meningkatnya popularitas olahraga kelas atas seperti kriket, bisbol. Ekspektasi konsumen yang meningkat telah menyebabkan partisipasi konstan dari para pemain besar terkait dengan taruhan olahraga dan pengembangan berbagai platform untuk memenuhi ekspektasi konsumen yang meningkat. METEORBET menciptakan jembatan antara olahraga dan ruang Defi untuk memenuhi ekspektasi dan permintaan yang terus meningkat.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut:

● Situs web:

● Twitter:

● Telegram:


Bitcointalk Username: kentutbae

Telegram Username: @kentutbae

Bitcointalk url:;u=1771007

ERC-20 wallet: 0x948C0484984066f53A35c8F670B1B1966508A288