Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, your CBT should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.

Firstly, it is important to understand DigitalFlyer’s business offering in order to appreciate its value as the chosen vehicle for the Initial Community Business Coin Offering. Digital marketing is the most powerful marketing platform yet in the history of our planet. We have access to around 3.5 billion users via smart devices, enabling you to sell just about anything to anyone. The trick is for you and your customer to find each other. A digital marketing base makes it possible for you to start or boost a business more easily than was possible in the past.

DigitalFlyer is a business-to-customer (B2C), as well as a business-to-business (B2B) platform focussed on serving small to medium enterprises, connecting customers to their chosen service provider or product. DigitalFlyer is an established and growing marketing and business service platform.

You started your business to make more money. You want to do what you enjoy and profit from it. In order to do that you need your time to be available to you to generate more business and more profit, not to spend time and most of your budget on administration, invoicing, marketing, social media and websites. We have created a, growing and evolving, toolkit that does all that for only R600.00 ($40) a year. By joining our network and community we multiply the value of your R600.00 ($40) many times over. DigitalFlyer is not a middleman, but an enabler and connector.

We provide you with the means to free up your time so that you can focus on your health, wealth and happiness. Our platform achieves this by lightening the administration and marketing load at an affordable price by opening the communication channels between those looking for a service and those providing it. You and your customer target each other which makes landing new business a pleasure. The platform adapts to your industry to upskill, train and empower you at whichever experience level or business stage you are at by providing you with a customisable one-stop business marketing and, ever evolving, administration platform. Our modules will streamline any business so that you are able to focus not only on doing business, but on creating wealth.

DigitalFlyer charges a R600.00 ($40) annual business membership fee for the following services which we call business modules:

Business and Marketing Platform

Your business profile can be found via web searches on our web platform and app.

Other modules that will be available as a growing list of separate add-ons to your directory are:

Recruitment made easy on our Job Seekers and Job Givers platform

Outsourcing platform for specific contractors, such as developers

Second-hand car sales section

Real-estate section

Full eCommerce Module

We provide you with the option of integrating with one or all the below online payment merchant accounts. This enables you to get paid with no commissions charged by DigitalFlyer for any sales. All commissions will be charged according to the contract with the respective payment merchant. We will always be researching the best suited payment gateways and continue to add more options.

Sage Pay (Enabled) — DigitalFlyer is the only platform that allows for multi Sage Pay account integration, meaning each of our business members can integrate their own Sage Pay account to their DigitalFlyer profile, and be paid directly.

Chips Money Manager (Under review)

K-Merchant (Under review)

PayFast (Under review)

PayPal (Under review)

Events Management Module

Any business member or user can use the Events Listing module to list upcoming events free of charge. Business members can use the full events management system to sell tickets, add merchandise and manage an event’s ticket sales.

Appointment Booking Module

All business members can use the booking system to manage their appointments. This plug-in is designed for service-based businesses, such as hairdressers, massage therapists, estate agents doing house viewings, or any other service that books out specific time slots for customers. The customer can book a desired time slot and even pay a deposit if required. Both the customer and business member will be able to track and modify their appointments.

Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

All business members will be able to manage their customer relationships and track the status of their sales and leads via the CRM module.

Email Marketing

Email funnel — The business member has the option of creating multiple funnel mails and execute said funnel at their leisure. The platform will be POPI Act enabled, and each member will have the ability to build their own email lists.

Social Media Module

Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

All business members will be able to manage their customer relationships and track the status of their sales and leads via the CRM module.

All business members will be able to integrate the major social media platforms into their marketing strategy and publish articles, messages, service or products from a centralised dashboard to all their selected social media platforms. This module will also be able to track the success of marketing campaigns, enabling our business members to adapt their marketing campaigns to maximize customer reach.

Accounting Module

All business members will be able to access basic accounting functionality on our system. Included will be the ability to action and record the following information on the fly:



Purchase Orders

Slip Management

VAT Management


Bank Reconciliation

Stock Management Module

All business members will be able to manage their stock directly from their dashboard. Stock levels can be customised with an automatic ordering setup and early warning system when stock levels are low. This plug-in will be fully integrated into the eCommerce module.

Human Resources Module

Business members will be able to manage all employee records from their dashboard, advertise available positions and publish basic job requirements.

Legal Contracts and Administration Manager Module

Business members will have a fully integrated legal file system to store, secure and manage all contracts and legal advice.

Public users i.e. customers will benefit from the following free of charge:

A personalised dashboard offering functionalities such as:

Favourites list

Transactions list

Appointment calendar

Personalised and family shopping list (shared and accessible from various devices)

Holiday planning chart

Personalised communication preference, such as specials or location notifications

Points reward tracking and management plug-in

The DigitalFlyer platform is adaptable and constantly evolves as we receive feedback from business members and their customers. It is with this community of production and exchange that we have decided to grow the platform’s ability to create wealth and opportunity for our members and their customers alike. We invite you to continue reading as we introduce you to our Community Business Coin.

Technical Info

DigitalFlyer and CBC Technical Overview

User Interface and Communication

DigitalFlyer’s business members will manage and administrate their tasks via a web interface available on all major web browsers. Basic tasks and communications will be done via the app interface.

Public user functionality will be available via the web and app interfaces. The app interface has been built on React Native for the fastest operation and phone OS integration. The app is available on iOS and Android stores.

All communication will take place digitally, utilising blog posts, via the member’s back office which will keep business members and users updated on our latest news. Our own integrated chat module will provide a real time support platform where we can quickly respond to business member and user queries. Social media platforms will be used to communicate public news and updates. The aim of all our communication channels is to maximise efficiency and minimize costs to our business model. The acquisition of on-going concerns will add a further market value growth to DigitalFlyer, resulting in the increased value of the CBC, which is linked as a tradable coin between DigitalFlyer business members and clients alike.

About DigitalFlyer

DigitalFlyer is a market leader in the field of digital marketing and business support. The team strives to provide top quality service to businesses and their clients by streamlining the process of connecting business to client and client to business. DigitalFlyer sources and provides best-of-breed business support partners, accounting systems and support services. We can offer this at an affordable price because we already have an active and operational platform, delivering on quality and focused on quantity.

Now, DigitalFlyer has gone one step further by introducing the Community Business Coin and our Initial Coin Offering. We created a space where our business members and their customers can generate wealth by partaking in and trading with CBC’s on our existing platform. We invite you to partake in our CBC ICO during our 12-month cycle and reap the potential benefit of an estimated 3000% growth on your initial buy-in or CBC value at the end of the ICO. Furthermore, you could not just increase your share of CBC’s by referring customers, business partners and friends. Our shared goal is more business, more profit and ultimate wealth generation, converting individual businesses and one man shows to self-sustaining prospering communities.

Community Business Token Roadmap

Community Business Expo

Regular expo’s were held but due to covid-19, got put on hold till further notice

HelpLift platform

The HelpLift platform was developed as part of the community drive and can be found at www.helplift.net

CBT Wallet

Deadline was set for December 2020 but wallet is already active and being used by members

Launch CBT on exchanges

Time frame is once ICO completes CBT to be listed on various exchanges

For More Information Link, Follow CBT Social Media channels:

Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken

Telegram Group: https://t.me/cbtico

Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token

Whitepaper: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/files/Community%20Business%20ICO%20V3.0.pdf

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalflyersa




CBT - прозрачная и стабильная торговая платформа.

Развитие технологии блокчейн быстро увеличивалось, и многие стороны, особенно местные и частные компании, принимают участие в индустрии блокчейнов. Технология блокчейн - это технология для эпохи будущего, даже большинство людей считают, что технология блокчейн будет необходима в будущем. Satoshi создал передовые технологии, такие как безопасные платежи, улучшения в электронной коммерции и всех криптовалютах, биткойнах и т. д. Одним из факторов, который играет важную роль в развитии любой платформы, являются безопасные, надежные и легкодоступные онлайн-транзакции. , а также прозрачный. Дополнительные затраты сказываются на всех индустриальных экономиках, но теперь все это возможно благодаря решениям блокчейн. Наличие бизнес-токена сообщества может дать вам огромное преимущество на рынке криптографии с многообещающей концепцией,

Что такое Community Business Token (CBT)
CBT предоставляет прозрачную и стабильную торговую платформу, которая выгодна как поставщикам услуг и продуктов, так и их клиентам. DigitalFlyer, наряду с CBT, - это больше, чем просто бизнес-листинг или торговая площадка: он финансируется, обновляется и поддерживается бизнес-сообществом и нашими бизнес-участниками. Ожидается, что каждый индивидуальный бизнес, малый и средний бизнес и стартап будут использовать DigitalFlyer и его платформу цифровой торговли и бизнес-услуг, основанную на CBT.

Почему КПТ?
Видение и фокус CBT - позволить любому типу общественного бизнеса войти в цифровую эру ведения бизнеса, финансируя при этом общественные проекты для развития и повышения квалификации.

Общественные проекты
Финансирование CBT в основном предназначено для различных общественных проектов, включая школьное обучение детей, общественную поддержку, общественное здоровье и предпринимательские навыки. Оставайтесь на связи, чтобы узнать больше.

Платформа для бизнеса и маркетинга
CBT - это не просто то, что будет сделано в будущем, но расширение существующей и растущей бизнес-платформы. CBT - это не планируемая на будущее концепция, а живая и растущая инфраструктура сообщества.

Возврат от
структуры реферальных бонусов GO CBT - это вариант гарантии возврата денег. Наши участники CBT имеют возможность заработать еще до закрытия CBT. Обязательно ознакомьтесь с нашим Техническим документом и узнайте о бонусах CBT и вариантах пакетов с возвратом денежных средств.

Как это устроено?
Развивайте свой бизнес, получая актуальных и проверенных клиентов

Для пользователей
Этот локальный каталог - самый разумный способ найти лучшие продукты и услуги для всех ваших нужд.

Быстро находите то, что вы ищете в своем районе.
Свяжитесь с компанией прямо из приложения.
Полностью контролируйте, о чем вы хотите получать уведомления, о ком вы хотите получать уведомления, кого вы хотите видеть, - географические настройки результатов, и т. д.

Создайте список «Избранное» из ваших регулярных торговых точек и следите за любыми новыми специальными предложениями, продуктами или услугами, которые они продвигают.
Получите точные направления к бизнесу.
И так много всего, за чем следует следить.
Для бизнес-участников
Развивайте свой бизнес в Интернете и привлекайте больше потенциальных клиентов!
Потенциальные клиенты могут легко найти ваши продукты или услуги
. Обширный спектр маркетинговой стратегии DigitalFlyer, позволяющий экономить буквально тысячи рандов в месяц на маркетинговых мероприятиях.
Есть особенности и функции, которые мы пока не можем добавить в этот список, но вы можете быть уверены, что это улучшит маркетинговую экспозицию вашего бизнеса и многое другое, так что ваши клиенты будут доступны для вашего продукта

Наше первоначальное предложение токенов Community Business Token предлагает следующие пять пакетов, ставка CBT ICO рассчитывается по цене 0,003 доллара США за CBT:
1-й этап: 25%

2 этап: 15%

3 этап: 7,50%

Финальный этап: 3%

По мере увеличения числа инвесторов, участников бизнеса и пользователей, перечисленных на платформе DigitalFlyer, будет расти и ценность CBT. Увеличение приобретения и обмена CBT приводит к производству и возможному распределению денежных бонусов и стимулов.

Pre-ICO: 23 февраля 2020 г. - 29 февраля 2020 г.

ICO: 1 марта 2020 г. - 28 февраля 2021 г.

CBT Properties
Название монеты: Community Business Token

Символ валюты: CBT

Бонус за продажу до ICO: 40% будет распределено в период с 23 февраля 2020 г. по 29 февраля 2020 г.

Цена CBT ICO: 1 CBT = 0,003 $

Максимальный доступный CBT: 70 миллиардов

Максимальное количество CBT для продажи: 50 миллиардов

Бонусы будут распределяться следующим образом:
Pre-ICO - 23–29 февраля 2020 г.–40%


Этап 1–1 марта 2020–31 мая 2020 г .: 25%

Этап 2–1 июня 2020–31 августа 2020 г .: 15%

Этап 3–1 сентября 2020–31 ноября 2020: 7,5%

Этап 4–1 декабря 2020–28 февраля 2021 г .: 3%

Бизнес-токены сообщества, проданные во время ICO, будут немедленно переведены в бэк-офис участника.

Поощрительный бонус
Во время ICO будет действовать поощрительный бонус для членов DigitalFlyer, которые впервые покупают пакет CBT. Поощрительный бонус также будет выплачиваться в CBT в бэк-офис участника.

Поощрительный бонус будет предоставлен следующим образом:
Зарегистрированный пользователь DigitalFlyer: 2%

Активный бизнес-участник DigitalFlyer: 5%

Реферальные бонусы будут распределены следующим образом на 4 этапах ICO:
этап 1–1 марта - 31 мая 2020 г.

Бронза: 2% - 5%

Серебро: 4% - 7%

Золото: 6% - 10%

VIP: 8% - 12%

Элита: 15% - 20%

2 этап - 1 июня - 31 августа 2020 г.

Бронза: 1% - 3%

Серебро: 3% - 5%

Золото: 5% - 7%

VIP: 7% - 9%

Элита: 15% - 20%

Этап 3–1 сентября - 31 ноября 2020 г.

Бронза: 0% - 1%

Серебро: 1% - 3%

Золото: 3% - 5%

VIP: 4% - 7%

Элита: 10% - 15%

Этап 4–1 декабря 2020–28 февраля 21

Бронза: 0% - 0%

Серебро: 0% - 2%

Золото: 1% - 3%

VIP: 3% - 5%

Элита: 10% - 10%

Монеты и денежные средства будут предоставлены только после успешной транзакции покупки. Денежное вознаграждение может быть использовано для покупки дополнительных пакетов или обновления вашего текущего статуса пакета или выплаты наличными.

Дорожная карта


DigitalFlyer - лидер рынка в области цифрового маркетинга и поддержки бизнеса. Команда стремится предоставлять услуги высшего качества предприятиям и их клиентам, оптимизируя процесс связи бизнеса с клиентом и клиента с бизнесом. DigitalFlyer является источником и предоставляет лучших в своем классе партнеров по поддержке бизнеса, системы бухгалтерского учета и услуги поддержки. Мы можем предложить это по доступной цене, потому что у нас уже есть активная и действующая платформа, обеспечивающая качество и ориентированная на количество.












The advancement of Blockchain technology has increased rapidly and many parties, especially local and private companies, are taking part in the blockchain industry. Blockchain technology is a technology for the era in the future, even most people believe that blockchain technology will be needed in the future. satoshi has created advanced technologies, such as secure payments, improvements in e-commerce, and all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin etc. One of the factors that plays an important role in the development of any platform is online transactions that are safe, reliable, easily accessible, and also transparent. Additional costs affect all industrial economies but now all this is possible because of blockchain solutions. The presence of the Community Business Token can give you a huge advantage in the crypto market, with a promising concept, quality products, and an experienced team needed in the role of developing blockchain projects.


CBT provides a transparent and stable trading platform to the benefit of both the service and product providers and their customers. DigitalFlyer, along with CBT, is more than just a business listing or marketplace: It is funded, updated and maintained by the business community and our business members. It is anticipated that every one-man business, small to medium enterprise, and start-up will be using DigitalFlyer and it's digital trading and business service platform, powered by CBT.


Direct integration with your target market so that customers can communicate directly with you via email, phone or WhatsApp — no middleman needed!

Link your social media platforms to your profile to increase your following.

Free user-friendly app available for download on both Android and iOS

Benefit from our extensive marketing efforts on social media, street advertising, newsletters, and radio ads.

Build your professional business profile in a matter of minutes so that customers can find you online, quickly and easily.

List and sell your individual services and products online with detailed product information.

Feature your upcoming events so that customers can effortlessly find out what is happening near them.


CBT’s vision and focus is to allow any type of community business, enter the digital era of doing business, while funding community projects for upliftment and upskilling.


CBT funding is mostly ear marked for various community projects including children schooling, community support, community health and entrepreneurial skilling. Stay connected to learn more.


CBT is not just something that would be done in the future but an extension of an existing and growing business platform. CBT is not a future planned concept but a living and growing community infrastructure.


CBT’s referral bonus structure is a money back guarantee option. Our CBT partakers have the option to earn even before the CBT is closed. Make sure you read our Whitepaper and learn about the CBT bonus and cash pay-back package options.



We are proud to introduce our team

Our team consists of a collection of people with experience who have earned the title of experts in their field and each perfectly aligned with the vision of CBT and DigitalFlyer. The full team’s page will be updated on a regular basis as we add more team members.


Token Name: CBT
Total supply: 70000000000

Token Distribution

20000000000 For team and participating members and reward circulation
50000000000 for public sales and bonus payouts

Additional Details

MVP/Prototype: Yes
Platform: ERC20
Categories: Platform


DigitalFlyer is a market leader in the field of digital marketing and business support. The team strives to provide top quality service to businesses and their clients by streamlining the process of connecting business to client and client to business. DigitalFlyer sources and provides best-of-breed business support partners accounting systems and support services. We can offer this at an affordable price because we already have an active and operational platform, delivering on quality and focused on quantity.


Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken
Telegram Group: https://t.me/cbtico
Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token
Whitepaper: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/files/Community%20Business%20ICO%20V3.0.pdf
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalflyersa



DigitalFlyer is an internet-based business marketing platform that connects businesses to their target community. All stakeholders will benefit from a completely decentralized, transparent, and stable trading marketplace provided by DigitalFlyer. The DigitalFlyer platform also offers business tutorials, financial administration, and human resource management services to aid the smooth and successful running of businesses.
DigitalFlyer community and business members will utilize its native token (CBT) to conduct business activities on the platform. Its business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) model allows users to enjoy very cheap business transactions without any third party or monthly subscription charges.


Business and marketing platform
Events management
Full e-commerce module
Appointment booking
Human resources management module
Stock management module
Accounting module
Email marketing
Social media module
Costumer relationship manager
Legal contracts and administration manager module

The DigitalFlyer token known as Community Business Token (CBT) has been established to further expand the DigitalFlyer business platform. CBT will enable community businesses to join the online marketing space at the same time guide and supporting them to achieve their dream. CBT will be funded and managed by the business community and its members. Parts of CBT funds will be channelled to community development and empowerment projects and services.
CBT which is based on the Ethereum blockchain will be used on the DigitalFlyer network for payment of goods and services. DigitalFlyer is currently hosting an IEO, individuals who wish to acquire CBT can purchase them on Indoex Exchange. Additionally, users can also earn CBT by referring individuals and businesses to the DigitalFlyer community. To join the DigitalFlyer business platform and enjoy the full benefits of online marketing, kindly register here

Full name: Community Business Token
Ticker: CBT
Session supply: 1000000000 CBT
Total supply: 70,000,000,000 CBT
IEO price: 1 CBT = 0.003000003 USD = 0.000000 BTC
IEO Start Date: 01-03-2021
IEO End Date: 28-03-2021
Bonus: 10%
Listing date: 01-04-2021
Technological foundation: ERC20



Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken
Telegram Group: https://t.me/cbtico
Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token
Whitepaper: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/files/Community%20Business%20ICO%20V3.0.pdf
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalflyersa